Some questions are very easy but some others involve a deeper knowledge on Gibraltar. For this reason, you may want to have some information prior to the trip. I provide a series of links for you to start investigating:
Government of Gibraltar
Gibraltar: Wikipedia
Gibraltar: Tourism
Finally, when I was looking for a nice picture to show you Gibraltar's monkeys, I found something that made me feel really sad and terrified. It is a piece of news that announces that there has been and there is going to be a monkeys' cull (slaughter). They say that two of them have already been given lethal injections and vets have been ordered to kill another 23. The reason can be that some of these monkeys have vandalised hotel rooms and have run amok on a beach. (Click here and here for the news).
I am an animal lover and I consider that killing should be the last measure to take. These monkeys can be taken to a diffent place, a zoo for example, if they do not fit in The Rock anymore. I hope there is a better solution for this problem.
Look at these pictures, aren't they cute?

Ohhh, Marisa!
Do you remember taht i wanted go with you to Gibraltar this year with Paterna´s pupils?
But, as you know, i am in Seville now... another year!
See you!
And congratulations!
Hi Gonzalo! Of course I remember about our trip to Gibraltar, I wanted you to come with us, but sadly, it is impossible.
But I have a proposal to make you. On April 14th, we are going to Carmona and Italica with Lourdes's pupils from 4º ESO and we are going to meet Remes!!! Can you join us? It is Tuesday, do you work in the morning or in the afternoon? Anyway, we are going to be there the whole day, so you can join us whenever you can!!! What do you think? Is it possible? It would be fantastic!!!
See you, my dear Gonzalo!
Another proposal: Can you come this Friday to have lunch with us in Paterna?
This is great. I'll go to made a link with this blog.
My english is bad, bud I'm going to made a "esfuerzo".
Thank you.
Hope to pass well in gibraltar, I am keen to go, I do not agree with it to kill the monkeys that are very poor monkeys. by Zayra and Almudena.Besos
hello marisa !!!!!!! lorena us victory and your class. Really how well we are not going to happen in gibraltar.Aslo us a lot like your blog. reaches to win that!
Hope to pass well in gibraltar, I am keen to go, I do not agree with it to kill the monkeys that are very poor monkeys. by Zayra and Almudena. Besos
I will call you tomorrow
See you!
Thanks a lot, Zayra, Victoria and Almudena. You are welcome to the blog and I'm glad you use it, but, please, next time try not to use the translator ;)
Hello M.Ángeles. Thank you very much for your visit and your words, and welcome to English is all around! I hope to see you here again. Congratulatios for your blogs!
Gonzalo, we'll talk later. Many kisses.
Hi teacheeeeeer!!
We are looking forward to go to Gibraltar!!!!weeeeeeeeeee!!!
We hope have a good trip!!!
Many kisses!!!Byee^^
Hi Enrique and Lour!!!
On Tuesday we will be in Gibraltar... I hope the weather is fine and we can enjoy the trip. Take an umbrella just in case it rains, because the weather forecast says that it is going to rain.
Many kisses!!!
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