Are you a good detective? Find out by playing this game.
The Description Detective
You are a police officer. When you press start, you will see an investigation. Read the description of the wanted person carefully. Then wait, and you will go to the playground, the airport, a restaurant, and the park . If you see the person in the description, click the person with your mouse.
What to do in case of earthquakes
4 years ago
hola marisa ¿me tengo que estudiar los verbos irregulares?
Hello Pepe, you have to revise the irregular verbs for the exam, but there won't be an irregular verbs test.
(Tienes que repasar los verbos irregulares porque aparecerán algunos en el examen, pero no habrá examen de verbos irregulares).
Kisses, study and enjoy the rest of the summer!
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